Sport Medicine
Sport medicine
Why sport medicine?
“Mens sana in corpore sano”
In Ancient Rome this was not just a motto – it was a matter of fact.
Body and mind went hand-in-hand. In this day and age, awareness is growing ever stronger. When we engage in physical exercise, endorphins are freed inside the body, producing a sensation of both physical and psychological well-being.Sport helps us to feel good and stay young.

Benessere S.R.L
Benessere S.R.L was born to look after the health of athletes who wish to take part in both competitive and recreational(non-competitive) activity. Preventive cardiology, osteo-muscular care and research in pathology, heart malformation and metabolic syndromes are just some of the elements we deal with in sports medicine. During visits for competitive athletes, cardiac activity is monitored during exercise (stress test/ cardiac ultrasound) to evaluate the athlete’s health. This is then valued from an articular, postural and traumatological perspective. During the specialist visits, musculoskeletal ultrasound tests are also performed and if needed, the appropriate medical therapies are prescribed (Pharmaceutical, Shockwave Therapy (ESWT), Ozone therapy, Infiltrations)
Sport is great for both mind and body, and we help our patients to continue enjoying it in the correct manner and as safely as possible

Sport Medicine
Sport medicine
Visits carried out
• Sports traumatology (functional assessment)
• Sports nutrition and plicometry
• Functional evaluation tests for training programs
• Certifications : competitive/ NON competitive
• Sports Cardiology ‘Echo stress from physical exercise’
• Musculoskeletal ultrasound for athletes
• Shockwave therapy
• Ozone therapy
Sport medicine
Access mode
Competitive sports visits:
• Request from sport club
• Urine collected in morning on an empty stomach and kept in the refrigerator until time of delivery (For women at least 4/5 days before or after menstruation)
• Sports booklet , or in the case of loss/first visit, a passport photo
• Immunization records
• Valid identity document(for children, document of the accompanying parent) and ID card with Tax Identification Number
Non-competitive sports visits:
• Immunization records
• Valid identity document (for children, document of the accompanying parent) and ID card with Tax Identification Number
For more information please download the following PDF File
benessere srl
c/o Istituto Leonardo Da Vinci Analisi Srl
Ambulatorio di Medicina dello sport
Dir. Sanitario Dr. Mercuri Roberto
Aut n°2007/00763 del 16/08/2007
Accreditamento Reg.Toscana n°6764 del 18/05/2017
Via P.Colletta 22,R/26 – Firenze 50136
Tel: 055 24 78 063 – Fax: 055 26 38 478